You Heal You- Body Mind and Spirit Cancer Transformation Program

Join us on this empowering journey of healing and transformation.

What you'll get:

  • Introductory Deep Dive coaching session (1 hr)

  • 19-Weeks of Curriculum and almost 200 lessons

  • Additional 1:1 coaching session 1/2 way through program.

  • Printable Food as Medicine and Nutritional Supplementation self-prescription guides

  • Learn how to communicate with your body to understand wants and needs- No more wasted Time and Money

  • Exclusive access to professional supplementation brands- only available through medical professionals

  • Extensive recommendations: books, to brands and treatment modalities

  • Access to over a dozen hypnotic and meditative  recordings library

    • Eat healthy with ease

    • Love to move my body

    • No more Scanxiety

    • Fear and anxiety no more

    • Deep uninterrupted sleep 

    • and so much more

  • Lifetime access to the You Heal You program curriculum

  • 5- Months of community support forum access

This program is self-paced. You can upgrade the program and your results by purchasing Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions at any time.

$1,500 + 3% credit card fee