ABOUT Carey!

I am the CEO and founder of Love of My Life Energetics LLC and the You Heal You- Body, Mind and Spirit Cancer Coaching Program. I serve others as a Nurse, Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner and Cancer Transformation Coach. I am passionate about helping clients with perceived life limiting diagnoses to shift their mindset, heal root causes and make lifestyle modifications that empower them to heal from dis-ease at a cellular level and create a life they love.

Meet Carey!Ā 

Carey is a Nurse, Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner and Cancer Transformation Coach.

Ā Like many of you, I have struggled with health challenges (symptoms with unknown origins, miscarriages, gut health problems, full body hives and at my lowest... after the birth of my daughter, I had such severe anxiety that I needed hospitalization), after testing, treatments and medications, Western medicine failed me, over and over again. I knew I was NOT willing to accept a life of poor health and being chained to medications for the rest of my days (some to treat the side effects of the other medications); I needed to find a different way to heal. I have spent the almost 25 years studying, learning new modalities, nutrition, energy medicine, mindfulness, movement etc. to help myself heal and become a resource for others.

It All Started When ...

When I was working as a hospice nurse. I served in many different roles from bedside crisis care, in-home case manager as well as inpatient nurse for people with unmanaged symptoms; but the role that changed my life was that of an admissions nurse. My job was to help determine if my patients met the criteria for the hospice benefit... meaning they had less than 6 -months to live. Which meant that in order to do my job I had to review their medical history, diagnosis, decline and current health status and what I discovered is that for each diagnosis, most of the patients had the exact same Health history. Alzheimer's Disease for example, I would expect to see someone who had a history of blood sugar dysregulation (diabetes, high sugar/processed food diet), cardiovascular disease and were likely on a statin (cholesterol medication) or proton pump inhibitors (Antacid).Ā  Seeing such predictable patterns in my patients, I wondered why the medical system was not doing more to step in and focus on prevention (I now know why). I also started teaching my patients about food/nutrition, and mind body practices to improve comfort, lower stress, increase energy and improve the quality of their lifeā€¦ that was until I was told that that teaching material of that nature could not allowed. Education on nutrition and mind/body practices are not taught in medical or nursing school, therefore I could not teach it to my patients. That news devastated me, and I decided that I could no longer serve in a capacity that did not allow me to best support the people I cared for.

But Then Everything Changed...


I was introduced to Rapid Transformational Therapy, and I knew that this modality was the missing piece to help the people I serve heal on a deep, truly holistic and transformative level. So, I dove in and went back to school to become a Certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy Practitioner. I started Love of My Life Energetics and the You Heal You- Body, Mind and Spirit Coaching Cancer Coaching Program to help people who have been given a life limiting diagnosis rediscover their own power, their own inner voice and "key" to healing. Because it is NOT doctors that heal you... You Heal You.


What is Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid therapy approach developed by Marisa Peer that combines techniques from various therapeutic modalities, including hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

RTT therapy focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of an individualā€™s issues or problems by examining their subconscious beliefs and patterns of thought. By using hypnotherapy to access the subconscious mind, RTT aims to uncover negative programming as well as reframe limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that may be holding individuals back from healing and reaching their full potential.

The RTT process may also involve additional tools and techniques, such as journaling, guided meditations, and affirmations, to reinforce the new beliefs and behaviors.

Overall, RTT therapy aims to help individuals transform their lives by addressing the root cause of their issues, rather than simply managing their symptoms or behaviors.

What's incredible about RTT is that permanent change can happen fast, with most clients seeing significant improvement in one to three sessions. In contrast to other popular forms of therapy that can last for years... RTT tends to be a relatively short-term therapy based on the needs and severity of issue.Ā 

So, now using RTT and building off the work of Dr. Bruce LiptonĀ and the study of epigenetics, I guide my clients to discover the root causes for disease, and the role illness plays in their life, as well as transform old beliefs or traumas carried in the body... thanks to neuroplasticity, re-write new beliefs in order to create an environment of health, healing and ultimately a life you love.Ā 


What is the Biology of Belief?

Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Belief" is a groundbreaking concept that challenges traditional views of biology and genetics by explaining how our beliefs and thoughts direct our physical health and overall well-being... it is the study of epigenetics. In the conventional medical system, we are taught that we are victims to our genetics; if heart disease or cancer runs in the family, it means that you are going to get heart disease and cancer; but thanks to the study of epigenetics we now know that that is simply not true. Our genetics simply provide a propensity or risk factor toward that disease being expressed...it's not a guarantee.Ā 

Lipton, a cellular biologist, proves that genes are not the sole determinants of our health. Instead, he shows the physiology of how our perceptions of the environment; driven by our beliefs and emotions, play a primary role in regulating our biochemistry. He explains that negative beliefs and stressors trigger the release of long-term harmful hormones (cortisol, adrenaline) in the body, leading to the expression of disease promoting genes and cellular dysfunction. Conversely, positive beliefs cause the release of healing hormones (oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine) and create a nurturing environment that promotes health and healing. Lipton emphasizes the importance of reprogramming our subconscious mind to adopt empowering beliefs, as this leads to improved health outcomes that can heal and reverse dis-ease.

His work ultimately proves that It's not just about the genes you're born with; it's about how you think and what you believe, which ultimately influences your health and well-being. This concept changes our health story. We no longer have to be victims of our genetics or of dis-ease, but creators of dis-ease or wellness. If the body created dis-ease, by changing our thoughts, beliefs and the environment, we can heal from it too.

Don't get me wrong... my intention is not to place blame on anyone who has had their life upended by disease. It is not your fault you got sick, we simply are not given the information, support and education we need to protect ourselves... thus the opportunity to prevent disease.

What is important, is that NOW you can empower yourself to change, to heal, to thrive and I can show you how.


Learn More Below:

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Discover More About RTT andĀ  the You Heal You-Body, Mind and Spirit Program!

Learn More About Rapid Transformational Therapy
Learn More About You Heal You Cancer Coaching

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